April 11

Spelt Flour 101: Why you should try it


Spelt is a powerhouse of nutrition, is easy to digest, and is easy to use. Read this overview to find out why you should try it! www.thesilveriest.com

Spelt is a powerhouse of nutrition, is easy to digest, and is easy to use. Read this overview to find out why you should try it! www.thesilveriest.com Spelt is a powerhouse of nutrition, is easy to digest, and is easy to use. Read this overview to find out why you should try it! www.thesilveriest.com

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Recently, after reading books like Grain Brain, I became interested in cutting back on modern wheat products. We don’t have any gluten sensitivity in our house, so I don’t feel compelled to go gluten-free. However, I wanted to eliminate as much modern wheat as possible from our diets. I also looked for a substitute for modern wheat that would still allow me to easily make our family’s favorite sourdough bread, banana bread, and pancakes. That’s when I found the ancient grain Spelt.

Spelt is a cousin of wheat, but it hasn’t been modified and hybridized in the way that modern wheat has. Those hybridizations have increased production capacity for modern wheat, but have brought about the need for pesticide use and subsequent genetic modification. Spelt grows the same way that it has since ancient times, with a protective hull that preserves nutrients and acts as a barrier to pests (source). Spelt is a powerhouse of nutrition, is easy to digest, and is easy to use.

Spelt is extremely nutritious:

Spelt flour is healthy and flavorful. ¼ cup of whole grain spelt flour contains 4 grams of protein, and 8% of the daily recommended amount of iron. It’s high in fiber, B-vitamins, manganese and other vitamins and minerals. Because spelt absorbs water more easily than modern wheat, the nutrients are easier for our bodies to access and use (that is, they are more bio-available).

Spelt, like meat or eggs, is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all nine of the essential amino acids (source).  Spelt contains mucopolysaccharides, a special kind of carbohydrate that can lower cholesterol, stimulate the immune system, and aid in blood clotting (From The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, page 354). These carbohydrates also have anti-inflammatory properties (source).

Spelt contains gluten, but it’s easier to digest:

Spelt is a cousin of wheat, and does contain gluten. Those with celiac disease or wheat allergy should avoid it. However, some people with sensitivity to modern wheat products say that they are able to digest spelt easier.

The fragile gluten contained by spelt is water soluble, and breaks down easily in the cooking process. This fact, combined with the high fiber content, is said to increase digestability (source).

Using Spelt:

I use whole-grain spelt flour one-for-one in recipes calling for modern wheat flour, with good results. I am a casual baker, though, and spend my efforts on simple sourdough bread, biscuits, and muffins. If you are a more precise baker, you may wish to consider making some adjustments to your recipes.

King Arthur Flour suggests mixing spelt flour with wheat flour, to achieve results more on par with the results achieved with modern wheat. If you want to explore the adjustments they suggest, you can find the full guide here.

These adjustments have primarily to do with the gluten content in the flours.  Recall that spelt gluten is softer and breaks down more easily than modern wheat gluten.

Further, spelt absorbs water more fully than does modern wheat. This would mean that you would use less liquid when baking with spelt. The book “Encyclopedia of Healing Foods” suggests using 25% less water when substituting spelt flour for regular wheat flour.

As I said, I have never made adjustments when baking with spelt. However, if you wanted to make any adjustments, it’s good to know where to start!

Purchasing Sources:

I buy spelt flour from AzureStandard.com. They sell natural and organic foods online and deliver pre-ordered goods every four weeks to pre-established “drop” locations all around the country. The prices and selection are both excellent, but they set the delivery day and time and you must be present to pick up your items (or have someone else pick them up for you). This has been my primary grocery source for over two years, and I have been very pleased with the total savings. If you have a drop near you I highly encourage you to check it out. Vita Spelt brand Organic White Spelt Flour at AzureStandard.com is $2.59/lb in the 5 lb. bag, plus a delivery charge that depends on your location.

My secondary source for purchasing natural and organic foods is Amazon.com. I really love the convenience and speed of ordering dry goods and household products this way. Vita Spelt brand Organic White Spelt Flour at Amazon.com is $4.80-$5.03/lb in the 5 lb. bag.

I have never used Jet.com, although they send me fliers nearly every week. However, a quick search of their website reveals that the same flour is $3.48/lb, plus any applicable shipping charges. If you decide to check out Jet.com, please let me know what you think!

Finally, your local natural foods store or better grocery store will generally carry spelt flour. You may want to check the prices on Amazon.com before picking up a bag locally, though.

In Conclusion:

If you’re interested in increasing the nutritional profile of your baked goods, and want to avoid modern wheat, consider using spelt. You’ll find that it’s delicious, healthy, and easy to use. The benefits for using spelt make it worth seeking out.



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